Maybe you’re part of a persistent bunch of late to technology adopters. Maybe you hear the word Cloud and you immediately think of rainstorms and hail. Or maybe you are just late to the party. Whatever your reason for not using Cloud Computing solutions, we have to admit, your actions border on insanity. Here’s why.
1. Instant Global Data Access, Anytime
You want it now? You want your games, files, music, videos and photos right now even though its 3:30 am in Rome? No problem. Cloud Computing provides consumers with instant global data access, anytime. All you need is a steady Internet connection.
You remember how much you love your smartphone and tablet? You remember how much you love playing Angry Birds or controlling the interior temperature settings of your living room all from your iPad? Yeah, you can thank the Cloud for that. Remote servers working round the clock to provide your devices with the instant data access you crave.
2. Smartphones, Tablets, Mobile Computing
Already mentioned but the Cloud is the only reason the mobile market is as large as it is. Without ever buzzing servers occupying data center space, your smartphone wouldn’t be smart and your Nexus 7 wouldn’t be able to provide you with Google Cards on local weather, cool things to do in the area or recent sports updates.
The only reason you enjoy mobile platforms and technologies as much as you do is because Cloud Computing applications, services and solutions are powering those devices with the data they need.
3. The Cloud is Cheap
We could understand your trepidation to step into the Cloud if the solutions offered were wickedly expensive. We could understand not wanting to use Netflix or Spotify if they charged $150 per month. Money means everything.
But that isn’t the case. The vast majority of public Cloud applications and programs are cheap. For a few dollars a month, you can utilize Cloud servers to watch your favorite movies, stream your favorite music, play your favorite games, store your important files and build new applications.
Again, if Cloud Computing providers charged an arm and a leg for their services, we would understand. But they don’t. Get with it.
4. The Cloud is Only Getting Stronger
We recently published a blog post titled “The Cloud is in its Infancy”. The blog post covered why the biggest benefit of Cloud Computing is how young it is. Only rising to public attention a few years ago, the true power of Cloud services haven’t been touched yet. With the oncoming rise of the Internet of Things coupled with infrastructures becoming stronger, cleaner and more elastic, the possibilities of what Cloud services can accomplish are unknown. Like a kid just leaving high school, the possibilities are endless.
5. Productivity Abounds
If you run a company, not using the Cloud to support your corporate needs is ruining your productivity. Cloud applications allow your company employees to work from mobile platforms, to access corporate data on the road and to work from home while outside the corporate network.
More than ever, our global economy is 24/7/365. If you aren’t giving your employees the tools they need to produce in that 24/7/365 environment, your company is falling behind. The Cloud gives you this ability.