When your business starts to grow, you can no longer keep all your data on a small hard drive. You need to expand to actual servers. You might need to change web hosts to find a company that can provide you with more features and options as well. Some might be tempted to bring their IT needs in-house, but this can be problematic. You need to have server space and you need to have people onsite who can maintain and monitor those servers. Your best option is generally to find a colocation datacenter and hosting provider in Boston. We’ve compiled the seven best in the Boston area for your consideration.
Of course, you might be wondering just who we are. We have spent 15 years working in the fields of IT and hosting, and we know what it takes to create quality colocation centers that have you, the customer, in mind. Our goal is to match companies up with colocation pricing providers through our free matching service. We want you to be happy, so we make sure you connect with only the best providers. Now, let’s look at those seven providers in Boston.
TierPoint is a nationwide colocation provider that offers two data centers in the Boston metro area – 500 Rutherford Avenue in Charlestown and 34 St. Martin Drive in Marlboro.
This company offers around the clock service and support with a great team of techs. You can rest easy when you are working with TierPoint. They are also a very reliable company that is capable of providing you with the power and the performance you need from a colocation server provider in Boston. This equals reliability. They also have security, which should give you some additional peace of mind.
You will find that the service is flexible as well. They have cabinets as well as custom cages available. No matter the size of your business, large or small, they should be able to accommodate you. As your company becomes larger, they can also scale along with you.
Equinix is Equinix! They offer 145+ colocation facilities across the World. In the Boston area, they operate a quality data center at 74 West St., in Waltham, MA.
They have a high-quality data center that can provide you with the colocation services you need. It is a secure building that features sprinklers, seismic protraction and plenty of options when it comes to your colocation needs. You can choose from half and full cabinet options, caged spaces, private suites and more. It is a flexible center that should allow you to grow and expand as your company gets larger and your data needs expand. It is a quality service that works to provide the customers with the care and support they need.
Expedient is a Nationwide data center provider that operates a Boston area data center at 1 Cabot Road in Medford, MA.
The company offers state-of-the-art data centers that have redundant UPS. This ensures your site and data are always up and running. They have multiple emergency generators, fire suppression systems and surveillance cameras. In addition, they have biometric access control, which will make it quite secure. Staff is onsite around the clock. This company has more than 15 years of experience in the field of maintaining and operating these centers and they continue to work hard to keep their customers happy and the data secure and available.
1 Summer
1 Summer (aka Markley Group) operates the one of the most telecom connected facilities in the City of Boston.
If you are looking for a full suite of colocation options and services, this facility likely has what you need. You will find plenty of colocation space as well as cabinets, cross connects and distribution panels. Naturally, the facility wants to keep the servers as cool as possible to prevent issues with overheating. They have a cooling system, as well as a redundant cooling system just to be sure. In addition, they have high density power with redundancy. You should never have to worry about your information being unavailable. Expect great connectivity as well as great service at this facility.
CenturyLink operates three data centers in the Boston area.
Another great option for those in Boston who are trying to find the best options for colocation service is CenturyLink. They have close to two decades of experience in the field and they pride themselves on providing reliable data center colocation services. It is a cost-effective option, but it still provides great features including N+1 redundant infrastructures. It has a 100% uptime guarantee, as well. The facility has quality security as well, so you can be sure that your data and information are always safe and secure.
Axcelx is a local provider that offers space in five cities in the Boston area including Boston, Chelmsford, Somerville, Wakefield and Andover.
Here is a quality hosting and colocation company that has just what you need, including entry-level options for those who are just getting started and who still have relatively small needs. As your company starts to get larger though, you will find that you can expand your services to match that growth. It is a cost-effective choice that could be the right one for you. In addition to flexibility and the ability to expand, the service also offers excellent speed and security, not to mention great overall service.
ColoSpace is a regional New England data center provider that offers data center space in the following cities – Somerville, Rockland, Waltham and in Bedford, NH.
This is a dependable provider. They have been serving the area for more than 10 years now and they continue to improve their service. You will find that it is a flexible option, which is something growing companies need. You can start with a small single server and then expand as the company grows. This way, you are only paying for what you need. It is a smart option financially. The service also offers redundancy so you do not have to worry about losing all of your data or having the facility lose power so you can’t access the data. They have a fantastic uptime guarantee. In addition, the company can offer a great level of safety and security for the data and equipment.
The Right Provider
When you are searching for your Boston colocation data centers and hosting providers, you want to make sure you are working with the best for your needs. This list of the seven best is a fantastic place to start. Now, you just have to look at the options and see which ones will fit your current business needs the best. All of those listed here have great potential and they could be the right fit for you.