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The Best Bitcoin Mining Hardware List

Posted by QuoteColo on January 28, 2018 - Updated on October 16, 2020

To make a profit with Bitcoin, you need to make sure that you have high-quality hardware in place. Without great hardware, it is impossible to get into the Bitcoin field and make money. However, due to the popularity of Bitcoin over the past couple of years, the market has been flooded with Bitcoin mining hardware, and that can make it difficult to determine exactly which of these options is going to work out well for your needs. We’ve compiled a list of the best Bitcoin mining hardware available for 2018. This is a very competitive field, and you need to have quality hardware in place. Without hardware, you might make a penny or two a month.

What Should You Look for in Hardware?

Before getting into the list of the best hardware options, it is important to understand how you should be comparing the Bitcoin miners. Some of the most important things that you will need to consider include the hash rate of the miner, the power consumption and efficiency, and the price. You should also consider the size and weight of the device to determine just how much space will be needed to house the device whether you are going to use a colocation data center for your needs, or you are going to run it on your own.

Now, let’s examine the best options for your Bitcoin mining hardware.

Avalon 7

The Avalon 7, also called the 721, can work quite well for those who are interested in Bitcoin mining. While new options can still be several thousand dollars, it is possible to find some used options for around $1,300. Those who are seeking a cheaper entry level model that can produce more profit than the older base level models can find that this will work well for them.

The Avalon 741 is the latest iteration from this company. They provide a good hash rate along with an air-forming cooling system that helps to keep it a bit cooler than some of the other options on the market. This could work well for those who want to mine from home. However, it is best to have a separate room just for the device, as it is still too loud to be in living spaces.

AntMiner Bitcoin Options

One of the popular names in the Bitcoin mining field is AntMiner. They have several good options available for those who are looking to mine Bitcoin. The S5 is a perfect option for those who are just getting started with Bitcoin mining. It will typically only cost a few hundred dollars depending where you buy the device. Currently, the device can make about 0.05 Bitcoin per month. This means that you would have to run the machine for a year and eight months to make one Bitcoin. Depending on the value of Bitcoin at the time, this could still be a decent amount of profit for you.

It is important to keep in mind that this is an entry level device, though, and there are other options, such as the S7 and S9 that might be more in line with those who want a bit more from the device, and who have some additional money to spend.

While the S7 is certainly a step up from the S5, spending a bit more and choosing the S9 is a top AntMiner option. It can mind about 0.5 Bitcoins per month, which can be very profitable. The current cost of the S9 is around $2,000, although now it may be possible to find a cheaper used option. The new T9 is more expensive, as it was the replacement for the S9. However, it is the latest version from AntMiner, and it provides quality results and profit. These tend to be quite expensive – more than $5,500. Those who choose this option will need to be willing to put down a large investment, and it will still take some time to see a profit.

The power of the device does make it noisy, so you may want to work with a colocation provider if you choose this option. In fact, as you will see below, a colocation facility can be helpful for a range of reasons.

With any piece of mining hardware, more power means more power consumption, which is going to increase the electricity costs for running the hardware, and for keeping it cool. Those who choose the high-power options are likely going to want to work with am AntMiner colocation company that can provide the needed cooling, and that can provide a reasonable rate for housing the device.

While these are not the only options on the market, and you can continue to search for others that you might like, these are the top options currently available. Depending on your budget and how much you are willing to invest in Bitcoin mining, they could be a great choice for your needs.

Technology Continues to Advance

While these are top options for people who want to get into Bitcoin mining today, it is important to remember that technology always marches forward. There will always be more machines, newer machines, and more powerful machines that will be coming to the market. As someone who is trying to make a profit with Bitcoin mining, it is important to keep up with all the technological advances and to make sure your machines are still up to par. If they are not performing as well as you would like, you may want to consider selling off some of the old machines and buying the latest upgrades. This will ensure that you are continuing to see a profit from your efforts.

Choose the Right Bitcoin Mining Hardware

Take the options from this list and compare their prices with their power level and find a solution that will work for your needs and your finances. By sticking with top brands and the great bitcoin miners from this list, you should find success with your endeavors.

Categories: Bitcoin, Colocation

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