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Archive for the ‘Colocation’ Category

  • The Cost of Data Center Hosting

    Last Updated: October 12, 2013

    When it comes to data center hosting, there are a ton of articles and blogs floating around online concerning the cost of data center hosting from the point of view of the client. Searching online you can find articles speaking to how much it costs to lease dedicated servers or colocation hardware within a Tier […]

  • The Odd Price of Colocation Solutions

    Last Updated: October 11, 2013

    As the Internet’s number one destination for Colocation reviews, we have a great appreciation for the consumer, the IT professional or the C-level exec who takes it upon themselves to investigate the true cost of data center colocation pricing. We greatly appreciate them because a) we know how hard it can be to decipher between […]

  • ssae 16 data center

    SSAE 16 Data Center

    Last Updated: October 11, 2013

    Like SAS 70 Type 1 and Type 2, SSAE 16 data center compliance was created by the good folks over at AICPA. Also like SAS 70 Type 1 and Type 2, SSAE 16 is the standard by which data centers are measured. The SSAE 16, a report filed by external compliance auditors of third party […]

  • SAS 70 Colocation Checklist

    Last Updated: October 10, 2013

    So you’re in the market for colocation or dedicated server solutions or Cloud VPS services. While part of your investment is investing in the company you choose to handle and manage your chosen web hosting service, another part of your investment is in the data center which your hosting company operates out of. This means, […]

  • Basic Requirements for a Tier 4 Data Center

    Last Updated: October 09, 2013

    We are going to start this article with the assumption that you are in the market for the best data center services around. Due to this, regardless if you are simply investing in VPS solutions, shared hosting or business defining colocation servers, you’re going to be investing in a Tier 4 data center. Now, for […]

  • How Much Hosting Bandwidth Do I Need?

    Last Updated: October 01, 2013

      Oh bandwidth. As the number one colocation review site on the Internet, here at Quotecolo we get a ton of questions about the amount of bandwidth clients need when investing in web hosting and colocation solutions. Now, while we would love to tell you there is a one size fits all answer to the […]