Archive for the ‘Colocation’ Category
What is Managed Colocation?
Last Updated: February 15, 2013Lets look at the 5ws below. What is managed colocation? The term Colocation refers to the provisioning of rack space for a client owned server(s) and network gear at a hosting company’s data center facility. The client pays a monthly fee to rent rack space, power and bandwidth. Most qualified colocation data centers are already […]
Colocation Providers offer services in the Cloud
Last Updated: February 13, 2013As we all know by now, Cloud Hosting is one of the fastest growing services in the IT industry. According to the IDC, spending on cloud services will top $100 billion by 2016! Just a few years ago, it was very hard to find a local cloud provider in your own “neck of the woods.” […]
The Importance of Disaster Recovery Planning for Enterprises
Last Updated: January 14, 2013Most organizations today, both corporate and government don’t have firm disaster recovery plans in place for their information technology infrastructure and work force. Disaster recovery planning is a critical component in ensuring an organization successfully emerges from a business emergency or disaster. A corporate disaster can be many things which include; flood, fire, power outages, […]
Cheap Colocation – Best US Service Markets
Last Updated: January 09, 2013To start, what is colocation? Colocation is the provisioning of rack space for a customer’s telecommunications or server equipment at the service provider’s facilities also known as a data center. Colocation service providers offer server space in a variety of rack space options – per U, partial racks, full racks/cabinets, private cages and custom suites. […]
Colocation Hosting Services – Space Options
Last Updated: December 14, 2012Even with the rise of cloud computing and dedicated server options, colocation hosting services are still the main “staple” for IT centric businesses looking for a secure and redundant place to house their servers and network gear. In this article, we will review the most popular colocation hosting service space options.
Colocation Server Hosting – Top 3 Benefits
Last Updated: November 16, 2012What is Colocation Server Hosting (aka colocation)? In simple terms, you own the servers and network gear and you house that gear in an outsourced data center environment. The data center provides the rack space, power and Internet bandwidth. With all the outsourced hosting options available today – public cloud hosting, private cloud hosting, dedicated […]