Archive for the ‘Data Center’ Category
6 Amazing Facts About the Facebook Data Center
Last Updated: May 12, 2017Just a little south of the Arctic Circle, sitting close to the top of the world is the city of Luleå. It features densely packed forests full of trees and picturesque rivers that move slowly under the burden of large ice masses. In the middle of all of this beautiful wilderness is a gigantic building […]
All About the Somerville Internap Colocation Datacenter
Last Updated: May 01, 2017If you’re looking for the best possible option for a datacenter, you’d be wise to consider what colocation has to offer. This is an arrangement where you either supply or rent the equipment and a company provides you with the space, physical security, cooling, and bandwidth you need. Everything from the networking equipment to the […]
What Is the Uptime Institute?
Last Updated: September 22, 2016There’s a lot to consider when you think about your company’s future, but there’s no underestimating the role technology will play. Specifically, you’ll need to be connected to the World Wide Web at all times. While your server or servers should take care of that for you, it’s important you understand how this all works. […]
TAA and BAA Compliance Regulations Explained
Last Updated: September 13, 2016Running a business is hard enough without constantly having to check to ensure you’re operating within regulations and compliance codes. Two compliance regulations you may find yourself asking questions about someday are the TAA and BAA, so let’s explore them right now. The Buy American Act Some version of this act has been around since […]
Should I Select Slab or Raised Floor Datacenters?
Last Updated: September 06, 2016In the past, when it came to describing datacenters, there’s a good chance you wouldn’t even mention their overall design. That’s because raised floor environments were so widespread you could simply take that detail for granted. However, in recent years, there has been a noticeable movement away from this traditional design, with many preferring slab […]
Modular Containment Checklist for Understanding Your Data Center Layout
Last Updated: August 25, 2016When most people think of datacenters, the same general idea comes to mind. Usually, it’s a large area, almost like a warehouse, packed with servers and lots of blinking lights. However, in their very short history, a new version, called a modular containment data center has found a lot of popularity. If you’re curious about […]