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How Cloud Computing Can Benefit Mom and Pop’s Shop

Posted by QuoteColo on September 24, 2014 - Updated on September 19, 2014

How Cloud Computing Can Benefit Mom and Pop’s Shop







With cloud computing, facilities based on the web and in a virtual environment can help any number of businesses with a variety of different needs. They can help large businesses as well as those smaller mom and pop shops that everyone thought the Internet was going to destroy. Many of the best small businesses and shops learned how to make the Internet work for them, and now they are looking for some great ways to make the web benefit their shop. Because of the nature of the cloud and the advantages it can offer, it means that it’s easier for small businesses to compete with much larger companies.

Easy to Access and Cost Effective

One of the biggest advantages that small mom and pop shops will find when they use the various cloud computing options is the ease of use it can offer. It is simple to save and modify files to the cloud computing system so you can be sure everyone is working off the latest files. Everyone who has a need to access a file is able to do so through the cloud, too. In the past, everyone would have had to have been on the same computer or have a file emailed to their computer. Now, as long as they have a connection to the web, they should be able to access it.

Additionally, having virtualized software from the cloud is often an easier and cheaper option. For example, having Office 365 rather than buying the disks is a cost effective option that can benefit many types of small business, as they will not have to maintain the updates. This means less of a need for an actual IT department. Most small mom and pop shops, regardless of their field, do not have the extra money to have an IT staff to handle those types of things. The automatic updates from the companies offering the cloud software simply makes things easier.

The services through the cloud are typically priced the same or less than their physical counterparts are. For example, those companies that need to have data storage space will find that using a cloud storage company such as Dropbox rather than buying a server or external storage space is a far more cost effective option. When you buy cloud space for storage, or you buy virtual software, you only have to buy what you need. With many of the companies offering cloud storage space, it is possible to increase or decrease your storage as requirements dictate. For example, while your mom and pop shop might be relatively small right now, it could actually grow quickly. You want a storage solution that is able to match your company growth.

Better Security

By having your data backed up to the cloud, there is far less risk of losing all of your important information. While it’s true that there could be a loss in the cloud, this is highly unlikely because of the redundancies these companies have in place. Your data is quite safe when it is in the cloud. However, if you currently keep your information in your laptop or desktop, and you do not have accurate and up to date back ups, your shop could be in trouble. Putting your important information in the cloud, where it is safe and accessible even from other computers in case something happens to your primary machine, is a much better option.

The above are some of the biggest benefits for those small businesses that are thinking about going into the cloud. It really could be a great choice.

Categories: Cloud

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