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How Private Cloud Computing Works

Posted by QuoteColo on October 02, 2013 - Updated on October 01, 2013

how private cloud computing works

The Cloud, like onions and parfaits, has layers. Those layers are distinguishable through the “as a Service” they provide and through its public vs. private nature. While most people know more about the public Cloud through applications like Spotify, Netflix and social media networks like Facebook, the private Cloud is a bit less understood. Due to this, we are going to use this blog to explain how private Cloud computing works and why a company would want to utilize a private Cloud computing infrastructure.

The Basics of a Private Cloud Computing Environment

The basics of a private Cloud computing environment are simple: a Cloud infrastructure deployed behind a stringent corporate firewall accessible by only those behind said firewall. Whereas a public Cloud infrastructure can be accessed by anyone using the Internet, the private Cloud environment can only be accessed and used by employees who are logging onto the Internet from behind the corporate firewall.

A Cloud is only accessible when reached from behind a corporate firewall.

Yet, in today’s world, with employees on the go and offsite employees, workers who find themselves outside of the corporate firewall can still access their companies private Cloud architecture through the use of a virtual private network (VPN). Without getting too deep into it, a VPN allows users to connect to the private Cloud deployment through the use of tunneling protocols and encrypted access keys over publically leased lines. Not only does this mean an employee half the world away can utilize data stored in the corporate Cloud, he/she can do it on the cheap.

What Is a Private Cloud Environment Used For?

How private Cloud computing works is only one part of the equation. Just as important is the why – Why should a corporation use a private Cloud infrastructure? The answer to this question is simple: corporations utilize private cloud environments to store sensitive company data which employees can then access. As most companies have some type of sensitive data (client financial information, new product ideas etc.), the last thing a company wants if for that sensitive data to leak out onto the public Internet. For this reason, putting data behind an encrypted firewall accessible to only those employees with the right set of encrypted access keys, i.e. a private Cloud deployment – makes sense.

A private Cloud is used for keeping critical business data safe from the outside world.

A Note on Security in the Private Cloud

One of the largest concerns of businesses looking into investing a private Cloud is data security within the walls of their company, i.e. trusting that data to their employees. Now, while common wisdom would tell you that putting data in the Cloud is a fool’s gamble, the truth is an easy to access private Cloud makes data more secure, not less. The reasoning behind this is simplicity.

Study after study has shown that the more access companies give their employees to their corporate Cloud architecture, the more likely it is that employees fail to download sensitive data to a local storage solutions (external hard drive, 64GB USB etc.). This happens due to access. The more accessible information is to employees, the less of a need they have to download the information onto a local device. If the data is always available through the private Cloud or a VPN connection, why keep the data locally?

Should My Company Utilize a Private Cloud Deployment?

Before you say yes or no to deploying a corporate Cloud environment, you need to factor in cost, provider and resources. Once done, if you determine the private Cloud infrastructure is best for the vitality and safety of your business, you should invest in the private Cloud.


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