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How to Find Affordable Dedicated Server Hosting

Posted by QuoteColo on September 19, 2013 - Updated on March 03, 2016

affordable dedicated server hosting

So, you’re in the market for a cheap dedicated server host. That is all well and good but the truth is, when it comes to finding the best dedicated server hosting on the market, the last thing you want to base your search on is how cost effective the price is. Before we get any further into this article, as someone looking for the best dedicated server web hosting solutions it is our job to inform you that there are no true cheap or affordable dedicated server hosting services.

That said; let’s get into how you can go about finding the best dedicated server web hosting solutions to meet your needs.

Internal or External Dedicated Server Management

Before you go out on the web hosting market to look for and price a solution, you need to decide if you are going to utilize dedicated server hosting as internal web hosting service or an external managed service. If the answer is internal, make sure you have the staff on site to maintain, fix and upgrade any issues which might arises from your dedicated server solution.

If your choice is external managed dedicated servers, you have to decide on the firm and the monthly cost your willing to spend.

Once you make the determination between external and internal dedicated server web hosting, the next thing you need to do is to determine your needs.

Understand Your Needs

The next step in finding the best cheap dedicated server solution to meet your needs is in understanding your web hosting needs. Understanding your web hosting needs means determining how much bandwidth you need, determining how much RAM you need, deciding how many CPU Cores your need and deciding how much disk space you need. Without knowing these vital dedicated server stats, you will never know where to look or how to decide on your needed solution.

Now that you know what you need in a rock solid dedicated server provider, the next thing you need to do is learn from those who already utilize the solution in question.

Seeking Out Affordable Dedicated Server Hosting

The next step to finding the best dedicated server hosting is visiting review sites like QuoteColo and web hosting forums like WebHostingTalk and SitePoint to gain insider access to the information only web hosting professionals and colocation consumers know about. By utilizing review and forum sites, new dedicated server consumers can learn from first hand experience about the best cheap dedicated server host on the market and learn what to expect from said hosts.

Once this is taken care of, the final step in your search is to determine how much money you can/want to spend on a monthly dedicated server solution. As we stated in the opening of this article, there really is no such thing as cheap or highly affordable dedicated server hosting. Due to the nature of the solution, dedicated servers are more expensive than other types of web hosting solutions yet they pack the most punch.

The Price of Dedicated Server Host Solutions

At the end of the day, if you decide on the best dedicated server web hosting for your company because it is cheap, you are going to end up with more headaches than you asked for. The point here being, even though you might save a few bucks by going with a dedicated server provider who isn’t on the same level as the well known providers such Rackspace, Softlayer or InetU, in the long run utilizing a cheap provider is going to net you negative cheap web hosting results.

We don’t recommend it.

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