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Some Interesting Cloud Computing Stats You Should Know

Posted by QuoteColo on March 21, 2016 - Updated on May 10, 2016

As 2015 draws to a close, we wanted to present you with a list of cloud computing facts you should know about yet you might. Maybe you’re interested in the cloud, maybe you’re a VP of Tech at a company looking to jump into the cloud or maybe you love statistics. Whatever the case, here are 20 cloud computing statistics you should know about.

By the end of 2015, spending on the cloud will reach more than $180 billion

Provided by the research firm Gartner, global spend on cloud has increased internationally every year on end since 2012. In 2013, global cloud spend reached $131 billion, representing an 18% growth in overall spend for that calendar year.

Tracking the continued progress, 2015 was slated to show a 21.5% increase in cloud spend from 2014. At the moment, current estimates have global cloud spend for 2015 near $180 billion.

From Gartner:

“For broad-based offshore providers that operate in multiple geographies, industries and service lines who seek to compete for significant wallet share in major accounts, strategic investments in cloud-based services are mandatory.”

public cloud services market by segment

Following up, by the end of 2018, the global market for cloud hardware could reach north of $79.1 billion

Compiled by the storage and computing firm Seagate, the conducted study found some interesting results, one of which being global market for cloud hardware by the end of 2018 reaching $79.1 billion.

Other interesting facts from the study:

– It is estimated there is more than one exabyte of data stored in the cloud
– It is estimated there are more than 1.5 trillion objects stored within the Amazon cloud platform
– More than 60% of domestic business utilize some form of cloud solutions
– It is estimated by 2017, more than 60% of organizations will either require employees to use their own devices for work purposes or will be in the starting stages of B.Y.O.D.

If given the choice, a Cisco study of more than 1,300 IT minds over 13 countries found that 25% of respondents would choose to utilize the cloud for storage over any other service

The study revealed a lapse in understanding as to what the cloud can actually do. While most study participants mentioned 25% of respondents would choose to utilize the cloud for storage over any other service, the survey also highlighted that 67% of respondent organizations have or are currently migrating their IT needs to the cloud to address, in order, email, storage and collaboration tools.

This highlights a disconnect in understanding what the cloud, and its platforms, really offer.

In a sign of changing time, by the end of 2015, for every 1,200 smartphones or 600 tablets booted up, the cloud adds an additional 1 – 5 servers

Maybe this is more a sign of the changing times in device management impacting the cloud, or maybe this is more a sign of the times wherein the cloud supports such rapid device growth. Either way, the trend isn’t stopping.

More evidence: as of 2015, by the end of the year, global smartphone use is expected to top 1.8593 billion. By the end of 2019, that number is expected to rise to over 2.6 billion. Additionally, by the end of 2015, the tablet market will surpass 1 billion devices worldwide.

From eMarkerter, “More than 1 billion people worldwide will use a tablet in 2015, according to new figures from eMarketer, representing nearly 15% of the global population and more than double the number three years ago. By 2018, the number of tablet users in the world will reach 1.43 billion.”

By the start of 2016, nearly half of the U.S. government agencies use cloud solutions to power their IT needs

Getting a bit more granular, the government agencies which utilize cloud services do so to the ring of $2 billion annually. All told, while the stats aren’t definite due to a variety of reasons (mostly internal government trade secrecy), it is estimated that the U.S. government is the single largest user of cloud solutions in the world.

Within that structure, all forms of cloud infrastructure, public, private, hybrid are utilized to different impact.

These numbers reflect national government.

At a more local level, it is estimated that 32% of government municipalities are currently looking into migrating to the cloud with another 14% researching migration for 2016 into 2017.

Of all cloud solutions, SaaS represents the largest block of global spend. Alone, SaaS represents between $25 and $40 billion in global cloud spend.

Accordingly, percentage of growth of the Colocation and AWS alternatives SaaS market through 2017 will raise somewhere between 34.4% and 39.8%. These stats also hold true for PaaS. Overall, as noted by Gartner, cloud spend will become the bulk of all IT spend by the end of 2016.

SaaS market opportunity

From Gartner:

“In India, cloud services revenue is projected to have a five-year projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 33.2 percent from 2012 through 2017 across all segments of the cloud computing market. Segments such as software as a service (SaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) have even higher projected CAGR growth rates of 34.4 percent and 39.8 percent. Cloud computing continues to grow at rates much higher than IT spending generally. Growth in cloud services is being driven by new IT computing scenarios being deployed using cloud models, as well as the migration of traditional IT services to cloud service alternatives.”

Cisco forecasts global data center traffic will triple from 2.6 zettabytes in 2012 to 7.7 zettabytes annually by 2017, a representative growth of 25% CAGR

To understand what this actually means, Cisco provided the following information on what exactly 7.7 zettabytes of data actually means:

– 107 trillion hours of streaming music
– 19 trillion hours of business web conferencing
– 8 trillion hours of online high-def video streaming

That is enough music to keep the entire world listening for 1.5 years and 2.5 hours of HD video streaming for everyone in the world. Additionally, it means 14 hours of business web conferencing every day.

For further clarification:

“Most of that data center traffic won’t be going for entertainment. Cisco’s experts estimate that “approximately 17 percent of data center traffic will be fueled by end users accessing clouds, video streaming, collaboration and connected devices, all of which contribute to the Internet of Everything , which is the networked connection of people, data, processes and things.”

Lastly, by the end of 2016, all data – all data – will be stored, accessed and maintained in the cloud

This last fact is the most telling of all. Sure, cloud spend is rising. Sure, the amount of cloud servers in operating are rising and sure, the amount of smartphones and tablets worldwide are rising. Yet accessing data means accessing trust.

To have 36% of all data being stored in the cloud by 2016 means the long standing issue with the cloud, that of security concerns, is waning as more and more people understand just what the cloud really is and what the infrastructure is capable of.

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We hope this quick insight into the cloud computing world provided some value. If you have any questions or concerns on moving forward, feel free to contact Quotecolo with some of your question.

Categories: Cloud

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