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All About the Somerville Internap Colocation Datacenter

Posted by QuoteColo on May 01, 2017 - Updated on May 08, 2017

If you’re looking for the best possible option for a datacenter, you’d be wise to consider what colocation has to offer. This is an arrangement where you either supply or rent the equipment and a company provides you with the space, physical security, cooling, and bandwidth you need. Everything from the networking equipment to the necessary storage is provided with access to a number of different network service and telecommunications providers.

While this cost-effective method is extremely popular, you need to make sure you choose the right datacenter for this important decision. In this article, we’re going to look at the Somerville Internap Colocation Datacenter near Boston, which may be one of the best.


The company that owns this colocation datacenter has been in operation since 1996. They’ve also earned more than 20 industry awards for their services.

Internap offers a high-performance digital infrastructure that combines elements of virtual and bare-metal clouds. Aside from their presence in Boston, Internap also has datacenters all over the world.

This includes 15 Tier 3-type data centers they control in major markets across North America, 34 wholesale facilities they partner to control, and points of presence locations in 26 central business districts around the world. This global high-capacity network gives the company an important advantage when it comes to resiliency.

As a leader in the industry, this technology provider leverages both enterprise services and colocation businesses (e.g. managed hosting, bandwidth, IP and network connectivity, etc.) and cloud services (e.g. SMB iWeb platforms, bare-metal servers and enterprise-grade AgileCLOUD 2.0, etc.).

Two Datacenters with Plenty of Room to Grow

You don’t have to worry that the Somerville Internap colocation datacenter will run out of room anytime soon. They actually have two facilities in Somerville near Boston. Both are located on Inner Belt Road.

Keep in mind, too, that the second of those two datacenters only opened back in 2009, so aside from the fact that it’s part of the Internap empire, you can rest assured that this facility benefits from state-of-the-art technology. In total, this represents 45,000 square feet.

The facility opened with a big announcement that one of its first customers was going to be Carbonite Inc. Keith Cooper, the president of the company, was even present for the ribbon cutting festivities. Leading up the unveiling, the company had tripled in growth, so it was a pretty big deal that they had chosen Internap with their needs, especially because their business model is offering online backup services. Therefore, for them, having a solid datacenter is mission critical for their company.

Green Technology

The newer of the two facilities is even employing the latest in green technology and construction. This includes air economizers, humidification, white roofing, circuit level power monitoring and custom-built cooling systems that change depending on the temperature.

All of these features add up to a datacenter solution that doesn’t need to consume nearly as much energy as traditional options. This facility has even received recognition from NSTAR, the state’s electric and gas utility, for their energy-saving efforts.

Multilayered Security

At the same time, Internap didn’t choose to be environmentally-friendly at the risk of customers’ security. Their multilayered security systems include key card readers, electronically-controlled card access, multiple biometric scanners, facility-issued photo IDs, closed circuit television surveillance and 24/7 guard staffing.

While you have a number of options for colocation datacenters, if you want one in the Boston area, it’s hard to argue that Internap doesn’t have the best option available at their Somerville facility. When you consider the company’s reputation, their commitment to being green and their investment in technology, it should be clear you have a lot to gain by trusting them.

Categories: Colocation, Data Center

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