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Streaming Television From the Cloud

Posted by QuoteColo on May 01, 2014 - Updated on March 03, 2016

streaming television from the cloud

We have laid off on this topic for some time because, in all honesty, we have been waiting for the right time. For the past few years, like the rest of the Internet going public, we have fallen in love with Internet/Cloud based content streaming services like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon. For our money, Cloud streaming services which offer both movies, television series and original programming are the future of in home entertainment.

If you don’t believe us, just ask Kevin Spacey and the boys over at House of Cards. This said, we want to use this space to talk about the best Cloud streaming services for television and movies along with what you can expect from those services if you choose to completely kill your cable service.

The Big Boys of Television Cloud Streaming

This should come as no surprise. The big boys of Cloud streaming for television and movies are Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu. Representing the largest chunk of the paid for Cloud streaming content market, Netflix, Amazon and Hulu all provide quality content to their clients for a low monthly cost. By figuring out that really well written, directed and acted stories are what drives consumption of content, the aforementioned have been pouring money into original high quality content which only AMC and HBO seem to be able to rival.

Due to quality programs like Orange is the New Black, House of Cards and a variety of other programs, Netflix has taken the lead in the Cloud streaming content industry. Garnering Emmy’s and many accolades, the future looks bright for the red envelope streaming organization.

Netflix has been so successful, that the companies’ model of providing instant full season content on demand as opposed to weekly episodic platforms is starting to challenge other major content providers like HBO.

Streaming Cloud Content Changes the Model of Consumption

You can thank Kevin Spacey for the modern definition of binging. To binge on Cloud content is another way of saying you spending the weekend on your couch watching every episode of Lost or House of Cards. Due to the newer model of releasing an entire season of content at a single time, consumers have taken to a hobbit lifestyle of bing watching content instead of spacing it out.

The success of the binging Cloud content model has started to make waves within the industry. Even though no other major platform has gone the way of “all episodes at once”, due to the Netflix binge model of content consumption, it is becoming clear the model of “the last five episodes are available” deployed by Hulu and a few other providers aren’t long for this world.

Cloud Streaming Content Competitors

But what if you want to branch out to lesser knows movie and television streaming content service providers which aren’t named Netflix, Hulu, Amazon or Google. For you, the content streaming maverick, feel free to try M-Go (true pay as you go Cloud model of content consumption), Blip (a curated version of Youtube mixed with big budget Netflix content), Vevo (plays every music video ever) or to laugh your butt off with series such as Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, try Crackle.

If all of these options don’t work for your Cloud content viewing pleasure, you can always stick with the third largest search content platform in the world, Youtube.

So, should you nix your cable package all together in favor of Cloud content? The answer is cable is no longer a necessity for solid television and movie content. While it remains true that you might miss out on sports events and live content, if you are willing to wait a bit or find a live streaming platform, you won’t miss cable one bit.

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