Posts Tagged ‘cloud computing in business’
Cloud Computing: What To Look Forward To In 2013
Last Updated: February 07, 2013Cloud computing has been one of the biggest buzz phrases in technology over the past couple of years. Some are of the opinion that that’s all it is, hot air and marketing hype, but they are a rapidly dwindling group. C-level execs and IT professionals have been getting on board the cloud train in increasing […]
Cloud Computing for Lawyers – Top 3 Benefits
Last Updated: November 22, 2012Cloud Computing is the fastest growing sector in the IT industry today.” The IDC estimates public IT cloud services spending will reach $100 billion in 2016. Well know analyst – Gartner predicts the worldwide cloud services (public and private cloud) market will grow to more than $109 billion in 2012. The advantages of Cloud Computing […]
Cloud Computing Examples in Business
Last Updated: October 19, 2012Cloud computing examples in business are everywhere these days. Cloud Computing can simply be explained as hosting your data (website, software, applications, etc.) over the Internet. Business that use the cloud, no longer need to buy and manage server hardware because the cloud provider manages the infrastructure. Just turn on your PC, laptop or smart […]