Posts Tagged ‘data center migrations’
Data Center Migrations: What Really Happens
Last Updated: March 28, 2014What really goes on during a data center migration? Sure, your web hosting colocation company will inform you (hopefully) of a planned migration however they never really shed light on what takes place behind closed doors. Maybe it’s a case of you’re best not to know how the sausage is made or maybe it’s a […]
Data Center Migrations: The Wrong and Right Way Pt. 3
Last Updated: March 27, 2014Sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men end of falling to pot. Anyone who has ever embarked on a full data center server migration understands that failure to hit target times and deadlines are a very real possibility. Like a spaceship rocketing into the heavens, the more moving parts a machine has the […]
Data Center Migrations: The Wrong and Right Way Pt. 1
Last Updated: March 24, 2014One of the eternal truths of the web hosting industry is from time to time; a forced migration will take place. Due to a web hosting, colocation, Cloud hosting or dedicated server company expanding or shrinking, that company will move data centers to accommodate their server and hardware needs. The migration – another way of […]