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The Cloud and Publishing in Today’s World

Posted by QuoteColo on July 09, 2014 - Updated on July 02, 2014

girlOver the past few years, technology has been making some rather drastic changes to a host of different types of businesses. Some have changed almost entirely, and publishing falls firmly into this category. All types of publishers, large and small, have had to change substantially in the past fifteen years or so. Newspapers are now mostly online, and many smaller publishers and book companies have had no choice but to embrace electronic publishing and hosting their books and products in the cloud.

Publishers Leaning Toward Different Cloud Options

Cloud technology has become very important for many, and people often use the cloud without even realizing it. For example, those who use services such as Dropbox, Gmail, and similar services are technically using cloud tech. Publishers are finding their own ways to use this type of technology. They are using it for managing their content, as well as to generate more business, and even for publishing and hosting their content, which users can then buy and download. Of course, making the switch from traditional technology to the cloud, or even using some type of hybrid option that allows for traditional as well as cloud publishing, is not always easy.

Those smaller publishers out there tend to have smaller – or nonexistent – IT departments, and that means that much of the research and technical work comes down to the owner and some of the regular employees of the company. This can be quite intimidating when they attempt to transition on their own. Instead of trying to do it alone, it often makes more sense to work with a company that can offer help with cloud service and help getting the business set up and running through the cloud.

For those smaller and some mid-sized companies that are growing and that want to see their publishing company thrive in today’s increasingly paperless world, it’s a good option.

One of the biggest benefits of using the cloud is the fact that it will not require an IT staff onsite. This effectively reduces the operating cost for many publishers, since they won’t need to have additional personnel at the company to deal with server issues that inevitably occur. The cloud becomes cheaper and faster, and that’s just what growing publishers, and publishers trying to stay afloat need.

Due to the nature of the cloud, it also becomes possible for the publishers to expand or contract their use of the cloud as needed. When they grow and need more space, adding more space is quite easy. This means the company only needs to buy what they need right now, and that they do not have to try to anticipate what they might need in six months or a year.

Whether you have a tiny publishing company or a growing powerhouse, the cloud is one of the best options out there. Look into the various ways it can benefit you. It is far more agile than traditional hosting options, and the reduction in hosting costs is yet another benefit that you will love.

More than Publishers

While publishers will certainly find a number of reasons to choose cloud computing, they are far from the only type of business starting to use cloud technology. In fact, according to Forbes, more than half of businesses in the United States are currently using cloud technology. Regardless of the type of business you might have, chances are good that moving to the cloud is in the future if you aren’t already in the process of transitioning.

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