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The Cloud Hosting SSD Market Heats Up

Posted by QuoteColo on April 30, 2014 - Updated on April 28, 2014

the cloud hosting ssd market heats up

If you are in the market for Cloud servers you have come to the right place. In the past few years, the use of Cloud servers to power both consumer and corporate web hosting needs have become commonplace. Naturally with the rise of Cloud web servers, certain companies like RackSpace, Hivelocity, Amazon and have experienced tremendous growth.

With that growth, larger companies have chosen to either innovate new products or purchase companies that pose a threat to their overall market share. As Cloud servers evolve, so have the companies. To this point, Cloud server providers are changing over to SSD’s (solid state drives) as opposed to typical hard drives. In this quick article, we are going to talk about a two of the SSD Cloud companies who are doing it best.


Without question, DigitalOcean is the company who has caused this changed. Bursting on the Cloud web hosting scene in 2011, DigitalOcean provides their targeted development market with Cloud SSD servers starting at $5 per month. While the price point is excellent, it isn’t the major selling point for DigitalOcean. The major selling point for DigitalOcean Cloud SSD servers is the level of community support they provide their developer clients.

While the infrastructure behind the company (now the 11th largest infrastructure provider in the world) is solid, the largest selling point for DigitalOcean is the support documents, how to articles, video tutorials and company/client produced content designed to empower the development community. DigitalOcean has gotten so successful using this strategy that other Cloud hosting competitors – Solar VPS,, LiquidWeb etc. – have all taken to the community approach.

Make no mistake about it, DigitalOcean Cloud SSD servers are excellent. You come for the SSD’s, you stay for the digital community.


Linode has been around the block. Founded in 2003, Linode has made a living off of providing rock solid infrastructure and custom hosting plans to clients. In recent years, to keep up with competitors like DigitalOcean and giants like Amazon, Linode has added Cloud SSD servers to their portfolio.

However, this isn’t their biggest selling point. Linode’s biggest selling point is, like DigitalOcean, they provide a service to a specific market. For Linode that market is the Linux community. With a 40Gbps network, 24×7 customer support, various API’s, 99.9% uptime and a comprehensive community filled with support docs, how to, tutorials and useful content, Linode makes its money on understanding what the Linux market needs. It also doesn’t hurt that a Linux SSD Server with 2 GB RAM, 2 CPU Cores, 48 GB SSD Storage, 3 TB of Transfer (bandwidth) and 40 Gbit Network In/250 Mbit Network Out only costs $0.03 per hour or $20 per month.

User Experience Means Everything

The other major reason why both DigitalOcean and Linode are killing it with Cloud SSD Servers is the user experience both companies provide their clients with. From email account creation, to hourly billing and comprehensive support systems, both companies have found that the simplest approach to selling product is proving to be the best.

Graphically, both companies have kept to the simple approach. With clean user interfaces – both externally and internally – DigitalOcean and Linode have built a web portal that streamlines and control client clicks. By creating a clean interface with a purpose driven click path, both companies actively control the information clients see and need. Unlike other bulkier providers, both companies are supplying consumers with the information and materials they need as opposed to marketing/sales collateral no one cares about.

So, if you are in the market for power Cloud SSD Servers, give a try to DigitalOcean and Linode. We promise, you’ll be happy.

Categories: Cloud

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