Normally we use this space to advise you about colocation, managed server providers, web hosting issues and all sorts of IT topics. Today, instead of advising you on how to outsource your IT needs to a qualified Cloud service provider, we are going to talk a little bit about building your own private Cloud server also know as the internal Cloud. But before that, we need to explain what the internal Cloud is and why you would want to utilize it.
What is a Private Cloud Server?
This shouldn’t be a mystery. A Private Cloud server is an internal Cloud infrastructure deployed behind stringent software and hardware firewalls. The private Cloud server is protected from the outside world via firewalls (thus private and internal) enabling it to hold all sorts of critical private data which is meant to stay within an organization. Just as there is the Internet and the Intranet, there is a Public Cloud and a Private Cloud.
Why Utilize a Private Cloud?
This also shouldn’t be a mystery. Companies deploy internal Cloud infrastructures to:
– Protect sensitive company data from the outside world
– Allow/control access to company data amongst their employees
– Store sensitive company data for compliance
– Scale internally when your company needs to scale
The simple reasons for deploying an internal Cloud are pretty straight forward: Security, scaling, data access and data storage. There are other reasons for using an Internal Cloud deployment; however, that article is for another place and time.
With that information out of the way, we are going to dive into the elements of a private Cloud.
The Ingredients of Private Cloud Computing
The first element of your private Cloud is virtualization solutions.
Virtualization Choices
The major players in the virtualization market are OpenVZ, KVM, VMWare and Xen. Each solution will get the job done yet each solution operates a bit differently and integrates your software with the private Cloud a bit differently.
The next major element of your private Cloud is the storage you choose. This will come in the form of SAN, NAS or DAS. SAN (Storage Area Network), NAS (Network Attached Storage) and DAS (Direct Attached Storage) like the variety of virtualization solutions, vary in how they work and the benefits they supply. While each storage solution has varying benefits, when it comes to disaster recovery, SAN proves to be the most effective disaster recovery solution.
Hypervisors and Servers
The next thing you are going to have to think about is the type of server you choose to use for your internal Cloud. Are you going to utilize an Intel Xeon E5 or are you going to select an Intel Xeon E7? To learn the difference between the different types of servers, do your homework to learn which servers the major providers use, which servers companies with an internal Cloud use and learn about their hardware benefits from real time users via web hosting forums such as
Operating Systems, Applications and Security
Now that you have virtualization, storage and server equipment in order, the next objects you have to tackle with your private Cloud server are the operating system (OS), applications and security.
Concerning the operating system: Windows or Linux? This selection should be based on your working knowledge of both virtualized Cloud operating systems.
Concerning applications: What do you know about MySQL or my PHPadmin? Do you know how to troubleshoot Apache or do you think Apache is an early 1980’s jam by The Sugarhill Gang? Answering these questions will tell you a lot about your level of comfort with your chosen OS.
Concerning private Cloud server security: Deploy hardware and software firewalls. Determine which firewalls are right for your private Cloud and determine if you have the IT know how to keep those firewalls stringent and up-to-date.
With this in mind, please note: this article represent a very elementary and rudimentary skimming of deploying your own private Cloud server. However, if this article made you question your own ability to deploy an internal Cloud, understand that it might be better for you to outsource your private Cloud server need to a MSP.