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To Use or Not To Use: Managed Services Provider

Posted by QuoteColo on September 04, 2013 - Updated on March 03, 2016

managed service provider

If you’re reading this article, let’s assume one thing: you currently manage all of your IT needs in house. This means instead of investing in managed services and a managed services provider, you or your onsite IT team handle all the IT needs of your company. Those needs might range from the simple – establishing, running and maintaining an internal exchange server – to the not so simple – establishing, running and maintaining the company internal Cloud deployment attached to multiple devices, machines and smartphones.

Whatever the case, your internal IT management is costing you more money than expected, taking up your valuable time and causing you a variety of headaches. Many of these concerns have you worried about customer service problems and service interruptions. Due to this, you are trying to find the best managed services provider for your specific IT requirements.

Defining the Managed Services Model

So, now that you are looking for management of your IT platform, what is a managed services provider or MSP? A MSP is a third party firm who supplies IT solutions (applications, connectivity, equipment and software), network services and hosting services to companies in need for a monthly or one-time fee. Other MSP supplied services can be VPN’s (virtual private networks), security measures (software and hardware firewalls), exchange/telephony servers and Cloud solutions like Cloud storage.

Now defined, what are some reasons for investing in a MSP for your internal IT needs?

Managed Services Provider Pricing

Money is always a main reason when investing in a managed services provider business plan. Money is always a reason with managed services for one reason: overall, utilizing a MSP as opposed to self-management is more affordable. Call it cheaper, call it more cost-effective, call it lighter on the wallet, using a MSP to manage your internal IT needs is cheaper for the sole reason that you are no longer:

–          Purchasing, installing, setting up and maintaining your IT hardware

–          Purchasing new IT gear every two – four years

–          Purchasing new IT software every two – four years

–          Funding the salary for your onsite IT team

Now, admittedly the last point is a bit contentious. One of the primary jobs of a MSP is to cut down on the bills generated by internal colocation, web hosting, network, Cloud storage etc., deployment and management. No one likes saying a MSP is going to cut back on company employment yet the truth is, it will.

While we are not going to speculate on the exact pricing of the managed services model you might choose to utilize (we won’t speculate on managed services provider pricing because we can’t speak to your exact needs), we can confidently say that by utilizing an MSP it will reduce both IT costs and IT headaches from your day to day life.

Fluid, Consistent, Powerful IT Management

The other reason why you should invest in managed services is for the simplicity of third party management. When you outsource your IT needs to a MSP, you hire a team of dedicated web hosting, networking, Cloud, colocation etc. professionals who do nothing but eat, sleep and breathe your particular brand of managed services. This means that around the clock you will have a team looking after your servers, applications, software and hardware to insure everything is running smoothly.

Additionally, unlike the time your internal IT team didn’t know how to fix something, with the managed services provider business model, your hired IT team is on the case and can resolve mostly anything. It’s their job to do so and most qualified MSPs are trained in all aspects of IT.

When it comes down to it, investing in MSP is about saving money and streamlining your IT solutions. Before you invest in a MSP, do your homework. Read online reviews, contact vendors and engage in live chat to understand what an MSP can/can’t do for your business. Understand the risks associated with MSP’s (data security, stable solution, and solution access) and determine if those risks outweigh the benefits of utilizing an outsourced MSP.

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