Web Hosting Outlook for 2017
If you run a web hosting business, it’s important to keep up with the latest trends in web design. The web hosting industry tends to change rapidly. Here are five important things you need to know about running a web hosting business in 2017 on an Apache server:
1. Pay Attention To Asian Internet Users:
There are now more internet users in Asia than in the past. It’s estimated that around 48% of all internet users are located in Asia. This means that website hosting businesses must pay close attention to this demographic in 2017. You need to make sure that your webpages load quickly for Asian residents.
Also, it is important to make sure that your hosting services are easy to use for people living in Asia. You should allow visitors on your site to translate the page into commonly spoken oriental languages. In addition, you should ensure that it is easy for clients from Asia to post content in all of the most widely spoken Asian languages.
2. The Internet Is Still Growing:
Internet usage is becoming more widespread, and the internet is expected to keep growing throughout 2017. The increasing internet usage means that more people will launch their own websites. This is illustrated by the current popularity of major hosting services. For instance, Amazon’s web hosting service hosts 7.5 million websites. Given the increasing number of internet users, it can be expected that smaller hosting companies are also likely to do well in 2017.
3. Growth Won’t Necessarily Occur Continuously:
While internet usage is growing and many hosting providers are doing well, the growth of your business isn’t likely to occur continuously. In fact, there are several hosting providers that have seen decreases in their popularity during the last week. Some examples include AT&T, Century Link, and Savvis. Although, there has been an increase in the total number of websites being hosted. Therefore, even if your business hits a slump, it doesn’t mean that 2017 will be a bad year for online platforms and their hosting needs.
4. Analog Statistics Are Still Important:
Clients will always want to know how their website is doing. While Google analytics is a popular way to do this, clients also want to see other measurements of their website’s stats. While analog statistics have declined in popularity, it still is a good idea to offer them. Not only can analog statistics help you to analyze traffic, but they can also allow you to pinpoint errors on your site and correct them. They also can help you to determine which of your links people tend to be most likely to click. This can help you to advertise your website properly. One of the most popular web hosting companies on the internet continues to offer analog statistics. This company is BlueHost, and they host millions of webpages.
5. Web Domains Ending In .Com Will Be Popular In 2017:
While your web hosting business should offer clients a variety of domain types, it is important to focus your attention on the .com domains. Nearly 80% of websites end in .com, and there are more than 125 million .com addresses on the internet. The number of .com domains online has actually increased during the last week. During the course of this last week, there have been more than 75,000 .com domains added to the world wide web.
There are a number of reasons behind the growing popularity of .com addresses. One is that .com domains are the most well known type of URL accordingly to social media statistics. This means that new internet users are likely to choose a .com domain. This is likely to spur continued increases in the number of .com domains in 2017, since there are many new internet users. In addition, those who are new to hosting their own website are likely to be easily swayed by the fact that most popular internet sites end in .com. The expected increase in the number of .com domains has caused web hosting businesses to be sure to market them to their customers. this ongoing enlargement. First of all, 2016 was the first full year of IPv6 adoption, which greatly amplifies the size and capacity of the internet to accommodate new devices and web directories that need their own uniform resource locator. Second, researchers compiling web hosting statistics for 2017 believe that there will be more internet traffic this years than the sum of all previous years.
A Connected World
As of late 2015, internet penetration was estimated to be around 40 percent on a global basis. With the rapid growth of smartphones and other mobile technologies that make the web more accessible, we could see a 50 percent internet penetration by the end of this decade.
The Asian continent will probably reach a 50 percent rate of internet penetration this year. As expected, China boasts the higher number of internet users, which is estimated to be 640 million or nearly 22 percent of users worldwide.
Amazingly, the highest rate of internet penetration within a sovereign territory can be found in the island of Bermuda, where 97 percent of the population has reasonable access to the internet. It is more difficult to quantify daily activity due to the social media explosion; however, it is worth mentioning that nearly three million blog posts are published on a daily basis.