A private cloud could very well be the best possible hosting option for your company. You may also hear this type of cloud offering referred to as an internal or a corporate cloud. Before you make a decision one way or the other, though, it’s important that you understand the following.
The Basics of a Private Cloud
First, let’s begin by looking at what makes a private cloud a private cloud.
The main differentiator between private clouds and public ones is that the former is made with proprietary architecture. This means private clouds have self-service features and the option for immense scalability in either direction, too.
However, a private cloud is also built for just one single organization, unlike public versions, which serve multiple companies at once.
Plenty of companies use public clouds, of course, and this option can even be a very suitable one for those of a certain size – generally, small businesses and startups.
That being said, businesses in dynamic industries or that otherwise have unpredictable needs as far as their hosting and computing requirements go will do better with private clouds. Basically, any company that will need direct control over their virtual environments should opt for private clouds.
It’s also worth mentioning how deployment works for private cloud hosting. Essentially, it’s not that different from public cloud hosting, which means you’re not paying more in terms of management, maintenance, staffing or capital expenses.
However, additional expenses are involved because of things like software, virtualization and tools for managing your private cloud.
With that being said, let’s now take a look at the main benefits of using a private cloud in detail.
Increased Security
One of the biggest priorities these days for most companies is digital security. It’s not hard to see why. Every month, there are more and more headlines about organizations getting hacked and the immense amount of damage these attacks cause.
Unfortunately, many people have been led to believe that the cloud isn’t a very secure solution. However, private cloud applications can be incredibly secure.
As long as you use antivirus software, physical security measures and firewalls, your private cloud can be incredibly safe. You don’t even need to keep them on your own premises to ensure that your information is being kept incredibly safe.
Improved Flexibility
Despite how much better the security is for a private cloud, many people actually choose this option because of how flexible it is when compared to public clouds.
The fact that you can easily deploy another server whenever you want is incredibly attractive. At the same time, if your hosting needs decrease, it’s just as easy to go in the opposite direction with your cloud requirements.
This kind of flexibility can be an invaluable help during your first year of business when it can be tough to accurately predict what kind of hosting you’re going to need. Instead, of locking your company in at an exorbitant price or choking your potential because you didn’t pay for enough, private hosting allows you to change as often and as much as you like.
You’ll Save Time and Money
We just touched on one of the main reasons you’ll save money with an internal server, but there are others. For example, as you’re not sharing your hosting with other companies, you don’t have to worry about your site crashing because of issues that have nothing to do with your organization.
You’ll also save time with private cloud hosting because you don’t actually have to keep the physical devices you need on your property. This means you pay less for the physical room you need and don’t need to waste time constantly addressing these devices.
A private cloud would most likely be a huge benefit to your company for all of the above reasons and many more. There’s a reason this trend in hosting is showing no signs of slowing down.